LAPS Attends NGO Forum and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) Conference in Arusha, Tanzania. 

The Executive Director of the Liberia Association of Psychosocial Services (LAPS)-Mr. Seidu Swaray and Program Manager– Mrs.  Louise D. Quoi attended the NGO forum and the ACHPR conference of the African Union in Arusha Tanzania from the 16th to the 23rd of October 2023.

During the NGO Forum, LAPS became familiar with, learned, and shared human rights-related information, challenges, and lessons learned on the continent of Africa and beyond.

During the ACHPR conferenceLAPS met and built connections with various commissioners in charge of Liberia and the thematic areas of its works. During the process, LAPS held discussions related to the human rights situation in Liberia and future collaboration. Through these interactions, LAPS strengthened its relationships with the ACHPR for the immediate and long term.

LAPS is a partner with the Danish Institute Against Torture (Dignity). In ArushaLAPS  and some of the dignity partners in Africa also participated in training on advocacy and engaged in present and future collaborative networking discussions. Moreover, the Dignity partners facilitated a side event Election violence prevention and torture on the margins of the ACHPR conference. During the event, each partner organization presented the state of their respective activities in their countries of operations.

Through this event, LAPS Strengthened its relationships and collaboration ties with and amongst Dignity partners in Africa.