LAPS Implements Health System Strengthening project to Scale up MHPSS service in Liberia

LAPS Implements Health System Strengthening project to Scale up MHPSS service in Liberia

Project Name: USAID’s Accelerator Project in Liberia: Health System Strengthening to Scale up Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Services in Liberia

International Partner: Results for Development (R4D)

Local Liberian Implementing Partner: Liberia Association of Psychosocial services (LAPS)

Project Implementation beneficiary: The MHPSS sector of Liberia through the Mental Health Unit (MHU) under the Ministry of Health (MOH)-Liberia

Basically, the design and implementation methodology of this project is aim at collaborating with  the Mental Health Unit (MHU) in providing operational and technical support based on Liberia’s context to complement the global expertise and best practices of R4D for the success of the health systems strengthening Accelerator project in Liberia through the production of the following deliverables: 

  1. Revamp the mental health ledger within the health management information system (HMIS)
  2. Build personnel competencies in monitoring and evaluation
  3. Support to review and develop the next five-year National Mental Health Policy


To revamp the mental health ledger within the health management information system (HMIS),  the project has developed HMIS ledger for MHPSS in close collaboration with the Mental Health unit.

To achieve this, LAPS  conducted a  workshop with relevant mental stakeholders including Mental Health Clinicians and County Coordinators  during which time,  existing ledger within the HMIS was reviewed, gaps identified within the ledger related to MHPSS information. And,  indicators were drafted  and shared  for reviews and further feedback  after which, the  MHPSS ledger was designed within the HMIS. 

Moreover, the  MHPSS data collection tools including ledgers were reviewed, revised and piloted. The ledger then underwent final validation and was finalized on June 28, 2022.

The ledger has since been printed, rolled out in 33 health facilities and is being implemented in the DHIS 2 platform. 

Outcome: Foundation for a sustainable and routine MHPSS data dashboard developed. MHPSS indicators have been integrated into the HMIS.

Ledger Review working Session
Ledger Review working Session
  • LAPS  has assisted  the Accelerator to develop a data base of mental Health Clinicians who have been trained and re-deployed at facilities at the districts and county levels. 
  •  To achieve this, the project  liaised with the Carter Center mental health program in Liberia and the Phebe school of Nursing to assess the updated listing of trained Mental Health Clinicians. The listing was corroborated and a  data base created  that reflects current situational realities of Mental Health Clinicians in Liberia. 
  • Moreover,  regular monitoring  activities are ongoing to  ascertain the use and effectiveness of the developed database as well as, the utilization of knowledge acquired by the personnel of the mental health unit and Mental Health Clinicians.  Outcome: Database of Mental Health Clinicians Developed and is being Managed
Ledger Roll-Out Workshop

The project has identified and provided budgetary support to the MHU to conduct consultations and validations of Mental Health related data, assisted in the Planning,  and facilitation of the  mental health policy review and validation workshops with relevant stakeholders. 

Moreover, LAPS collaborated in the formation of  a Technical Working Group(TWG) and the drafting of  its Term of Reference (TOR). Besides, the project has supported the TWG and its  actionable discussions towards steering the affairs of the mental health policy updating effort in accordance with MHU established plans and processes.

Outcome: 5 years National Mental Health Policy reviewed by relevant MHPSS stakeholders.

LAPS Implements Health System Strengthening project to Scale up MHPSS service in Liberia
Mental Health Policy review working session
Mental Health Policy review working session

Project Implementation  Collaborations and Related Support

LAPS, R4D and MHU have been having regular project reflections and check-in  meetings that led to the development of the  inception brief , contextualization of the  the project on Liberia, budget management, Fund transfers and the formulation and implementation of work plans and related strategies leading to the successful implementation of the project.

MHU and LAPS established project implementation chart room that is helping in the  regular sharing of  information related to project implementation processes

The project has provided regular  support  including, payment of monthly internet subscription fees  to the MHU.

Gains for LAPS as an Organization

There has been extensive further Development of LAPS into becoming a USAID partner resulting from  the Accelerator Project. As evident through: 

  • Successes through the competitive bidding processes
  • LAPS is now registered  in the SAM’s database and with a DUNS number and have acquired other  requisite documentation including, the FFATA  and the Evidence of Responsibility forms. 
  • LAPS has also met the financial requirements of USAID funded projects and has gradually  submitted improved financial reports during the course of the project period.